Movie (Black Swan), six channel video installation, 8:23, Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 2011, Walker Art Center, 2015

Movie (Black Swan), six channel video installation, 8:23, Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 2011, Walker Art Center, 2015

Movie (Black Swan), six channel video installation, 8:23, Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 2011, Walker Art Center, 2015

Movie (Black Swan), six channel video installation, 8:23, Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 2011, Walker Art Center, 2015

Movie (Black Swan), six channel video installation, 8:23, Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 2011, Walker Art Center, 2015

Movie (Black Swan), six channel video installation, 8:23, Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 2011, Walker Art Center, 2015

Movie (The Wrestler), 4 channel video installation, What Remains at the Soap Factory, 2010